
CrossFit is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced

In it’s true definition, CrossFit is “CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity.” But, in it’s practical, everyday life application definition, it’s hands-on fitness at it finest.

Good CrossFit is where the coaches are experts in fitness and care about you and your fitness journey, and they invest themselves in helping you reach your goals. CrossFit is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. But, fair warning, once you try it, you may never want to go to the “other gyms” again!

Class Price Points:

  • Punch Card-$80 (12 visits, expires 10 weeks from purchase)
  • Single 12 month Unlimited-$89/month
  • Couple 12 month Unlimited- $140/month
  • Student/EMS/Police/Fire-$75/month
  • We also have a family add on (only available for live-in members)